We activate people to find their purpose.
Future Relics is a catalyst for personal growth. We represent forward motion and constant evolution. We inspire people to explore who they are, try something new and but a different spin on their lives. By getting our community active and reconnected to their minds and bodies, we’re helping them discover more about themselves. Get out of your comfort zone. Spend some time with yourself. Hone in on what makes you, you.
We inspire people to be unapologetically themselves.
Future Relics is an armor that protects you and your identity. We remind you that you don’t have to apologize for who you are, even if it looks different from everyone else. We push our community to think beyond their boundaries, obligations and other people’s expectations. When you put on Future Relics, we want you to feel strong, proud of who you are and empowered to create your own future. Define this life for yourself instead of letting someone else take the reigns. Be a little weird. Or a lot. Embrace your eccentricities.
We create sanctuaries in concrete jungles.
Future Relics puts you into a different state of mind. Our hometown of Manila is a concrete jungle. It can consume you, or you can create your own sanctuary. Pull on your Future Relics. Put on your headphones. Get in your mode and let your surroundings float away. This is your time.
This is Future Relics.